About Us
Hearing Aids
Hearing Health
We are OPEN for office visits and accepting new patients.
Otoscan® helps you create awareness, interest and excitement around your clinic with the latest technology within hearing care counseling. Otoscan is the first 3D ear scanning solution developed by hearing care professionals for clinicians just like you. Now you can bring the Wow Factor to your clinic and:
Otoscan® helps you deliver customized hearing care in an efficient way. Otoscan streamlines the process of producing custom in-theear pieces such as earmolds and hearing aids. Novel technology transforms images of the ear into 3D digital files that are uploaded to Otocloud®, a cloud service for immediate use in the production of custom products. You can:
Otoscan turns a passive delivery mechanism, which is silicone impressions, into a strong sales and counseling asset for your practice. Otoscan makes it easier to engage with patients and align expectations.
When you start with Otoscan, you and your patient get an accurate visualization of the unique structure of your patient’s ear. It makes it easier to discuss your patient’s hearing challenges, needs, expectations and possible solutions – at the start of the sales and counseling process.
Contact us and learn how Otoscan can help you provide personalized hearing care and boost your practice. itsthewayforward.com